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Status Updates posted by edc

  1. Some new wheels joining the stable ...

  2. Wasted 3 hours of my life battling with a central heating system!

  3. Sometimes it takes a lot of self restraint to do what comes naturally.

  4. New V5C docs through, time for the new plate :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. edc


      I've had the plates for over a week haha so on they go this afternoon.



      I've been waiting for my transfer to come for the last two weeks,when I've done this in the past it as normally only taken 10 days max

    4. edc


      Mine was quick - like 1 working week!

  5. Mortgage fully approved :)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ampaul


      Nice one Ed, look forward to the BBQ!! (I'm not getting in no hot tub!!!)

    3. Mike986S


      I'll await my housewarming beer invite and will bring my swimmers along in case the hot tub looks like fun

    4. edc


      You are cordially invited then Mike!

  6. Need some new cuff links, where can I get some nice ones ...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AndyRS2113


      I make cufflinks as a hobby from vintage watches - check out my site here (www.bitly.com/tempuscreations) and give me a shout if you'd like a BoXa discount!

    3. Ampaul


      Are you giving them to Ed? Could engrave a little hot tub on them for him ;)

    4. edc


      *deadpan* yes, they are for me *deadpan*

  7. Thinking about getting a family wagon/load lugger. Had an L322 RR, RRS, P38 RR and a Jeep Grand Cherokee. What shall I get next?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. edc


      Multi-purpose - climbing gear for 4 or 5 for a weekend; transporting cats to the vet; 3 or 4 kids for family; space for DIY stuff for house renovation/decoration

    3. Gatorade


      Have you discovered 3 possibly 4 secret love children...?

    4. edc


      No secret kids but I'm often the designated driver so need to look after kiddie comfort too ;)

  8. Enjoying my Friday :) Work almost done so out before3pm, mortgage approved and the sun is shining and lots of other happy stuff, happy days!

    1. Gatorade


      Sounds like life is good :)

    2. edc
  9. Giddy but not drunk, in control but also not, tired but energised, can't think straight and it feels great

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Gatorade


      and it can only get better ;)

    3. edc


      Well, a sports car is like a great woman. When you are out for funsometimes its exhilerating to go faster and faster, but sometimes its nice to put the roof down and just soak up the experience. Often those early morning or late night drives are the best, just you and your baby goading each other on.

    4. Gatorade


      Is it getting a little hot in here...blushing!

  10. Can't sleep, silliness on the mind. Alarm set for 5 to go to CG, leaves me 3.5 hrs sleep :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. edc


      Stuggled to stay awake this morning! I stopped at warwick services for a double espresso and an Americano.

    3. Gatorade


      I could have done with that to get me through this afternoons soft play session!

    4. edc


      Soft play - that sounds like fun, can I play? ;)

  11. Being remapped on dyno today at a very rainy Blackpool!

    1. T24RES


      Thats, great, not so for the weather :( Look forward to the comparison.

    2. edc


      I am 5 hours from home so hope its worth it! Keep an eye on my member ride thread for updates through the day as I'm here all day!

    3. craig987


      were u having it done, im in blackpool...

  12. Calling all Rolling Road attendees 1st June, please check the thread & PM me email and reg.

  13. P1 Supercar Sunday 12th May @ De Vere West Horsely - its free to go.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. edc


      Lee - you missed it , it was Sunday just gone! Great morning out. Edd China as usual attending in one of his contraptions.

    3. edc
    4. lordlee


      Just around the corner from me, I will definitely be going. Gutted I missed the other show.

  14. Up at 05.30am this Sunday for a great top down blast with some fellow keen drivers!

  15. Off for 4 days driving round Wales this bank hol wkend! Wave if you seem me and a yellow GT3RS.

    1. edc


      Wales report and photos in my member rides thread. The Box did good!

  16. Manifolds to be fitted tomorrow!

    1. edc


      All done! Update in members rides.

  17. No Boxster for a week, just dropped iff to paint shop

    1. edc


      It's back!!! See my forum pics :)

    2. edc


      I have a thread in member rides which is logging my updates :)

  18. Splitters ready for paint shop; 996 throttle body bits are also now all together - which to do first?

  19. What to do next to the Boxster this weekend?

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