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Status Updates posted by C11RJC

  1. Hi Ragpicker 

    I've been reading about your airbox, plenum and tb - thanks for the info. 

    I have a 987 airbox which I'm modifying like you have done - although I've made a bit of a bodge of it due to my keenness and multitool. Nothing some plastic filler can't resolve! 

    By chance, I'm come across a 996 tb and plenum that I'm going to install - as you said, looks much simpliar than your Cayman tb and plenum. Just need some extra tubing and not quite the same shape (the 996 plenum is straighter), so the tb probably won't bolt in with the bracket as it does now, but guessing that's not too much of an issue. 

    I wanted to ask, as the airbox install looks quite tricky - you said the other option is a cone filter. Given my situation, would you persevere with the 987 air box or go for cone filter - if cone which one?  

    My other question was about the MAF. Will the old 986 MAF be ok in the 996 tb/ plenum set up? No need for remapping etc? 

    I'd really appreciate any guidance you can offer. Many thanks 


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