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Status Replies posted by Guvs

  1. Hi Guvs,

    I'll have them if you have a PayPal account I can pay you.

    Cheers Mark

    1. Guvs


      Hi Mark.

      I'm having trouble with my email/messages, on going.

      I will take them off ebay now, my pay pal account email address is.


      And my mobile number is


      What's your address ?

      Handy bit of kit never know when you might need them but they were always in the boot ready.

      Steve G.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Hi Guvs,

    I'll have them if you have a PayPal account I can pay you.

    Cheers Mark

    1. Guvs


      PS I'm selling my 17" wheels, side air vents, all red rear light clusters and now my snow socks so you can see I don't know what item you are on about.

      Steve G.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hi Guvs,

    I'll have them if you have a PayPal account I can pay you.

    Cheers Mark

    1. Guvs


      Hi Mark.

      For some reason I seem to have lost my ability to write emails/messages on the forum.

      I hope you will get this as it is a simple submit reply button, anyway if you do I'm sorry but what are you on about as this is the only message I have seen !!

      Steve G.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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