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Guy scr4ped my bumper now blames me!

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Here's the situation. I had pulled onto the main road which is solid with traffic into a space. The third party could clearly see me. He then decided to pull out of the lane into the next one scr4pping his bumper on mine. He didn't realise he had done this (he was in a ML Merc) until I ran after him and asked him to pull over.

At the time he admitted fault and we swapped details.

I've just presented him with a quote from Charles Ivey for a respray of the bumper £600.

He now contests that the situation was 50:50 and that I must have orginally been touching him. His passengers (all his family) agree with him. He wants to go through the insurers.

I have 1 passenger who agress with me.

Now, if I go through the insurers I may lose my no claims and excess which is worth more than the cost of repair.

What are people's thoughts?

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