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Car Ramp/Jack Solution


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Hi guys,

I'm looking for a cost effective solution that'll allow me to lift and work under the Boxster safely.

My driveway has a very slight gradient too it, although I could move the cars front or back end into the garage for a totally flat lift, I imagine the best thing in this circumstance is to use ramps. I know the rear tyres on the Boxster and wider than normal though so wasnt sure if off the shelf ramps would be suitable, is there a particular set any of you have used which you could recommend at a reasonable price? The only ones marked for extra wide tyres on Amazon have very poor reviews or cost a fortune.

That said Halfords have some 3 tonne axel stands for sale, £12, i'm not adverse to a little bit of effort and jacking the car up but with the drive no being entirely flat I'm not sure if this might result in myself being flattened by the car!

Any advice would be warmly received.

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Hi .  Had a look around and went for RHINO RAMPS in the end. My S rear wheels fit fine on them, and they are a reasonable height , but not silly high and dodgy to get on. They are made of  Plastic  and stack into each other. Cant find where I got them from now, but they were about £55. alan

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I recently changed my water pump on a slightly sloping drive using ramps. They were just standard ramps, so the tyres overhung the edges, but didn't seem to affect stability in any way. I didn't drive up the ramps, but jacked on the rear point just in front of the rear wheel and then put the ramp under the wheel with the sloping bit out the back of the car to give easier access under the car. You do need a low entry high lift trolley jack to do this easily. Leave it in 1st gear and handbrake on to stop it rolling anywhere.

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I also use standard steel ramps, just a little bit of overhang but still stable,and axle stands on front ,gives you nearly 12 inch clearance.If your backing up the ramps make sure you anchor them to drive or garage base by drilling a bolt hole through the ramp and insert a bolt or pin or something.Ramps have an habit of firing out backwards and dumping the car on the deck.Safety first.?

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2 hours ago, maudy said:

I also use standard steel ramps, just a little bit of overhang but still stable,and axle stands on front ,gives you nearly 12 inch clearance.If your backing up the ramps make sure you anchor them to drive or garage base by drilling a bolt hole through the ramp and insert a bolt or pin or something.Ramps have an habit of firing out backwards and dumping the car on the deck.Safety first.?

I nearly took my Mrs legs off with a flying ramp when I was reversing her X Trail up!! Had no idea she was walking behind :lol:

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