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John T

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Status Updates posted by John T

  1. My life is complete  B)

  2. XJR passed her MOT today :D

  3. Feeling stupid and gutted after crashing my Boxster while playing !

    1. edc


      Don't worry, we've all been there!

    2. mrbikerdood


      masturbating at the wheel...thats a new one John! :):)

  4. Lovin my own space and actually enjoying looking after myself, washing, ironing the whole 'shebang'. Happy Days.

    1. mrbikerdood


      I'll bring ironing up then John, I hate it :)

    2. RCS


      Mine needs washing before ironing - can i book you for Saturday? ;-))

  5. Starting a new single life

    1. richardy


      Now then John! I hope things will be good for you.

    2. mrbikerdood


      Lads holiday... :)

    3. John T

      John T

      Si, Could be worth a look :-)

  6. New Smartop is MEGA

  7. PPI payout, happy days

    1. mrbikerdood


      nice one m8!! i had one last month lol :0 o happy daze :)

    2. John T
  8. Happy to get the door put back together and the glass in the window.

  9. Still 'Buzzing' after our Dales Run

  10. Lovin' the roof relay mod :-)

  11. The whole world has descended on North Yorkshire for the Tour De France

    1. Gatorade


      Will it be passing by where you live?

    2. mavis.d


      Went past our road and In front Mrs mavis' shop but we're in Spain so missed all the fuss

  12. Get excited about flying to Barcelona for this weekends MotoGP

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gatorade


      Have a great time, sounds like a fun weekend away

    3. PorscheWidow


      Sooooo envious, have a fab time and lots of Rioja☺️

    4. Ninja02


      Enjoy.. Think of us who are working :(

  13. So happy to see my Boxster back on my drive.

    1. Gatorade


      Looking all pretty and shiny :)

    2. Ampaul


      Wish I had a drive! ;)

  14. 'Over the Moon' Mackem's are safe

    1. Ready1872


      Congratulations to sunderland for staying up , gus poet has done a excellent job on keeping you guys up. Next season should bring no relegation has Gus will build a good next year without breaking the bank well done again . I'm sure super Ally McCoist will be delighted also .

  15. Can't sleep, touch of the 'man flue'.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. John T

      John T

      It's a b'stard

    3. andyjamess


      too right. That museum was awesome. lol

    4. ragpicker


      Man flu or Man Flue? Two totally different things if you ask me! One being second only to maningitis, and the other being a furry hole........

  16. Great to see a busy forum

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