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Status Replies posted by plynchy

  1. 19 degrees & sat on Weymouth beach!!! Who would of thought it???

    1. plynchy


      Get yourself along to Durdle Door, lovely spot.

  2. mmmm Mexico so nice

  3. mmmm Mexico so nice

    1. plynchy


      Cougarbox, i'd recommend Playa Del Carmen, Riu Tequila Hotel was superb.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  4. Is considering his first track day!

    1. plynchy


      Psssst....13th August is a good date to start.

  5. Plynchy and Purdie have rescued the August BoXa trackday!

  6. Could resisit it, jumped in the car and rolled around for no reason for half an hour before sun down :D

  7. OK I give up, just when I thought I had it, I get an error saying I can't use that image extension on this board......somebody tell me how to post photos on this forum please!

    1. plynchy


      Use Photobucket to host the image, then copy & paste the "IMG" tag into your post. :-)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. Is homeward bound, please, please, please let there be sunlight

    1. plynchy


      Lots of sun, but not much in the way of heat i'm afarid.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. When I got home last night my wife demanded I take her somewhere expensive - so I took her to the local petrol station.......

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