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Day insurance for a test drive? What to do when a buyer appears??

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I'm sadly selling my Boxster S, but I'm wondering what to do about temporary insurance for drivers. I've tried a few short term insurance websites and nobody will touch the Boxster for 1 day insurance.

Am I just supposed to gamble when a potential buyer comes to see the car?


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Absolute nightmare. I don't have an answer but know exactly where you are coming from! The joys of selling cars ... Take their passport, keys, and a deposit and leave at your house whilst you go for the test drive. That should lessen the chance of them pulling a knife on you and driving off!

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Plenty of sites will do 1 days insurance eg insuredaily which I used when I was looking around I would sya to any potential buyer BEFORE they turn up they must have insurance and proof to show you before they drive the car and point them in the direction of these 1 day insurance companies

I always turned up with Docs in hand and showed them to seller to reassure them :stickprod: i was a good lad .. :inocent::vampire:


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Plenty of sites will do 1 days insurance eg insuredaily which I used when I was looking around I would sya to any potential buyer BEFORE they turn up they must have insurance and proof to show you before they drive the car and point them in the direction of these 1 day insurance companies

I always turned up with Docs in hand and showed them to seller to reassure them :stickprod: i was a good lad .. :inocent::vampire:


Hmmm I tried a few of the daily insurance websites and none of them would insure a 3.4S Boxster :(

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Make the prospective buyer show up with their insurance cert. If they are fully comp they should be able to drive a car with owners consent. Then make them sign something that say if they damage it they pay for it or buy it at asking price.

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