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Boot lid goes clunk


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This is getting a bit techie, but not having another 987 around to compare, here goes...

After fiddling with my Boot latch and bump stops recently (fixing the micro switch/alarm),  I notice that when I drop the boot lid to close, it closes with a softy clunk 🙂 Previously it just bounced in the latch and I had to press the boot lid down to close, plus there was always a bit of movement in the lid once closed . I'm assuming the close with the clunk is the norm?  

The front boot lid is similar and I have to press that down to close, hopefully that can be altered so it can drop closed? or maybe its meant to bounce to prevent you locking your keys i!


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the damper(s)  on mine prevent dropping - from memory i lower it to about 3 inches from closed - let go, it slowly drops to "popped" position and i press on the lid to latch - don't think it would close on a drop from any kind of height so maybe look and see if the damper is leaking.

Generally I think they are designed be pressed closed rather than dropped / slammed - but thats how I always close boots and bonnets so have never tested it.

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