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Touring Advice & Help

Graham W

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We're just about to take our recently acquired 981 for the first time down through Spain and Portugal for a few weeks.  We've previously done similar trips on both touring motorbikes and an MX5 this time will be a little more "comfortable"!  Previously I've simply purchased a set spare bulbs specific to the car/bike in a set from an indie.  Does anyone know if and where I can get one for the Porsche?  I know I'm being lazy by not buying them separately but it really is easier to buy a boxed set.

Secondly, as we'll probably be covering around 2.5-3k and I'm not sure yet of the oil consumption (if any) of the 981.  Should I be also taking a spare ltr or two?

Thanks for your help.

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Check in the manual what actual real 'bulbs' you actually need for your car. I did likewise for my 981S recently and there were only a few that weren't LED, so I just made sure I had a few of those spare in the car. I presume that the LED ones don't fail anywhere as often and also aren't as easy to replace on the spot.

(BTW in the distant past, when I did get a bulb set for my 986, it was cheaper to get an Audi set that had the same bulbs in it but without the Porsche tax ;) )

You shouldn't need any oil - after 4.5k miles in mine, it's just one notch below the top on the indicator.



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