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suspension cost latest update


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Hello all, spoke about new suspension recently and took the car in to have it done, decided however to go a little further and replace other bits which I hope will make it feel like new, so the latest news is: I have had all the Control arms, Tuning Forks, Drop Links, Tie Rods, and other bits replaced, and as mentioned earlier all of the Suspension renewed grand total approximately £3188.00 this may seem a lot to some people but the car is close to 20 years old although its only done 57000 miles, on top of this I have in the past couple of years spent quite a bit of money replacing parts as a precaution and not because things have failed so I think I can give my wallet a rest and enjoy the car, I will let you know how it feels once I get it back.

Take care all.


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Recently had all of that done on mine plus a bit more, it makes the car feel new. Tuning forks alone, should get rid of some horrible noises. Hope you're happy with the results, like I was. 

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