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Status Updates posted by Ampaul

  1. Boozy day in London with mi bird.

  2. Design for Mercedes badge on constructors trophie sorted and badge on its way :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ampaul


      Yeah we do it every year, was getting bored doing red bull!! Hoping they'll order a replica, get to redo all the old badges then. :)

    3. Mike986S


      I think a bull would prove more of a challenge to your skills than a 3 point star

    4. Ampaul


      There's quite a bit of lettering and a laurel on the merc one

  3. It's Friday, it's hot an I'm stuck working in a feking shed with a furnace. Humbug.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. fozzie


      Too many biscuits Ed and you too can have a body like mine!

    3. edc


      I'm in my 30s and if my dad is anything to go by I've got 10 years before I worry. Bring on the biscuits lol

    4. Ampaul


      She's already doing you some Ed (not literally, she's at work................. I say at work, having lunch with Frank Lampard it turns out...... he'd better not want biscuits too!)

      She's going to do you some when you move into your new place. :)

  4. Left work early just to get biscuit ingredients!!!

    1. edc


      Bring it on!!!!!

  5. Long weekend is here, Hastings beer festival here we come!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. edc


      So - how's the hangover ?? Any regrets haha

    3. Ampaul


      No hangover (surprisingly) and life's too short for regrets ;)

    4. edc


      Too right, get it and enjoy it while you can !

  6. Made an offer on a house that was accepted :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ampaul


      I'm an essex boy so no problem there fozzie.

    3. edc


      Please turn up to a meet in matching his n hers shell suits haha

    4. Ampaul


      Would be funny......

      But no.

  7. Moving house on the 22nd!!! Some people say I'm bonkers...

    1. Menoporsche


      Yes, but what does that have to do with moving house?

  8. Never noticed this status thingy mabob before

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ampaul


      luckily this status thing doesn't work on my mobile, too many distractions as it is!!

    3. edc


      You can tell her, her biscuits are lovely ;) and that is not an innuendo!

    4. Ampaul


      Her biscuits bring all the boys to the yard

  9. Off Master Piece London (hopefully the wife won't buy anything!) then for some vino and food :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ampaul


      I'll try. There's quite a bit of my stuff there, can't afford any of it as it's way out of my league, last year Amanda had her eye on an Lowry painting, luckily they don't do finance!!!!

    3. edc


      Can you get me something nice for my new house ;)

    4. Ampaul


      Haha ok. Had a couple of spare tickets, could've given them to you had I thought. Only car here so far is a blingged up Maserati.

  10. Off to the darkest depths of Norfolk for the weekend.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gatorade



      Have fun!

    3. Ampaul


      Just remembering why it took me so long to leave this place, damn I'm good looking around here!!! ;)

    4. edc


      It helps when you are in the middle of nowhere and there is nobody else to see but yourself haha

  11. Slightly foggy head

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Capa


      Hot Chocolate with two shots of espresso in, crack on lad!

    3. Ampaul


      Had a barrocca washed down with an espresso first thing, works wonders :)

    4. Capa


      In the same glass? That's gotta be interesting. (:

  12. The down side to working 'in the garden' is the smell of BBQ's at lunchtime, it's just bloody rude!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Gatorade


      I'd be more worried that Ed has been keeping such close tabs on your wife that he can quote something she said on a different thread quite so quickly ;)

    3. Ampaul


      Not as worried as she should be!!!

    4. edc


      Let's be honest when somebody mention trans-gender then it's hard not to forget it lol

  13. The fecking cat ate my breakfast!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ampaul


      It did Capa! Wife has been away this weekend and the little fecker has been winding me up non stop. She walks in the room and it's all purring and rubbing his head, tries to bite me when ever it gets half a chance!!!

    3. Capa


      Outrageous behaviour!

    4. John T
  14. Went for a run up and down the happy valley....... Atm I really can't see what's so happy about it! (Knackered!)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. fozzie


      Ah! I wondered where you were running. My keep fit days are long gone.

    3. Ampaul


      Yeah its my new cheap mod idea, the less I weigh the faster the car will go!!!

    4. fozzie


      No wonder mine can't break the national speed limit! Too porkie.

  15. Wife has just own tickets to the moving motor show!!!

    1. Ampaul


      Hope she takes me

    2. PorscheWidow


      If you're nice to me ;-P

    3. Mike986S


      They're making progress with the car stands although it spoils the views of Goodwood House from the 9th tee

  16. Wife's now drunk cooking biscuits

    1. richardy


      Hope they are not overdone, and suggest you do not 'dunk' them in front of her, may remind her of her over indulgence!

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