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Hood screen repair


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Doh, I pressed a little too hard when cleaning the rear screen and it tore the stitching (it was worn out anyway).

Any thoughts on temporary repairs? I'm going to try cleaning it up and double sided tape and duct tape until I can get it properly fixed.

Are there any mobile repairers for hoods?


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Sorry if I'm breathing life into an old thread but if you use stormsure I would check first that you can remove it later to get the hood stitched. I used some recently and my impression is that it sticks like s@@t to a blanket. Stormsure also make a product called tuff tape which would probably be better for a temp fix but sticking it on from the inside will be very difficult due to lack of access. I doubt of you will get it completely waterproof and it's debatable whether the fix would survive opening the hood. Your idea of sewing it might help keep things in place but the material is quite thick and will be difficult to sew. A sewing awl is a good tool to get tight stitching in thick material, much better than a needle and thread. I used a speedystitch awl once to repair a microlight sail. With a quality thread you can get a very tight and neat stitch but you need access to both sides  - difficult!

Here's a link to the awl


To be honest you are probably better to save your  time and money and get it done professionally. I had mine done over the winter for £200 ish and it was done in a day.

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DIY re-stitching. The holes are already there from the original stitching. It's just a case of making sure you line them up correctly. I did mine and stitched through one layer at a time then pulled the thread tight which worked well. Use an extra strong man-made thread.

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Cheers for the extra advise. I tried re-stitching it but didn't get very far. Sewing isn't one of my strong points, it's hard to access the hood in the middle and it was too damned hot out front ?

For the moment it's held in place with Gorilla tape which is actually doing a surprising job of holding the screen to the fabric, even when folded and even in the hot weather. It's not completely waterproof though so I've invested in a hood cover for when it rains. It does mean I'm not really able to use it in the rain, which hasn't been an issue at the moment.

I've taken it to a hood specialists and basically ended up going for a new hood with a glass screen. The previous owner had a replacement screen done on the cheap and they knackered the hood by using the wrong needle which has torn the hood rather than pushing through it and also used the wrong thread which is why it's failed after only 5 years. It's going to look much smarter with a black hood and glass too. I'm not a massive fan of the Metropole blue with the  Zanzibar red paintwork. Black should look way better.

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23 hours ago, Simon_S said:

Out of interest, what were you quoted for the new hood?

£1050 which probably isn't the cheapest, but the guy is close by so I can go back easily if there are any issues, and he has a great reputation.

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Carhoodwarehouse is approx £650 fitted for a new aftermarket glass window roof. 

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13 minutes ago, Eddy555 said:

Yeah, they're a good price, But they're the same for a hood with headliner and they're quite a trek from me which is a shame. I would've gone to them if I lived closer.

Call them. They will recommend a fitter closer to you. 

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