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Engine noise observation and smell


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  Still learning and getting hang of the 981, an observation I have is when the engine starts and revs higher for about a min I can hear, for want of a better word, a Clacking , not Tapping, noise in the background. Funny thing is if I touch the throttle, hardly increasing revs, but by 100 at most, the noise clears and the engine seems a lot quieter. When the higher revving period is over and it returns to 750 rpm, all is quieter.  I assume the car starts with the PSE in OPEN position, until vacuum closes the valves. I hear that Injectors can be a little noisey on these, but it is not a Tapping, and I appreciate their is a lot going on in these engines right behind my head. I am trying to upload a video, but wondered if any one can relate to the sort of noise I am trying to describe, ( probably not very well ) and why resting my foot on throttle would quieten the engine ??  Probably Porsche Paranoia starting...............cheers  alan

Oh, one other thing do they smell a little Rubbery when hot, and no I hadn't been on a track day....

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They all stink when hot, it's the smell of burning money!

Mine doesn't clack so can't comment on that.  When I got mine, had a grating, roaring noise.  I thought it was a driveline problem but it turned out to be the awful N0 P Zero's on the back.  At least they are easy to sort.

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Hot rubbery plastic smell when hot is a boxster thing. (Both my 987’s have done that )

pse on my current car dies exactly what you say open at start and closed before I get out of the garage.  

clacking .....  hmmm .... that’s a new one.  Little bit clicky when stone cold. Wondering if you  have some play in the pulleys or the belt tensioner but that’s a guess.  Also. Turn the AC off so you can rule out that. 


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They sound very "Mechanical" while on fast idle after a cold start, I believe part of the cold start sequence is to alter cam and injector timing to warm the cat converters up quickly. As soon as it drops to normal idle speed it's just the quiet injector tick and the clutch drag (On a PDK) you can hear, not so noticble if the car lives outdoors, but in a garage,  roof down you realize the engine is only 6 inches behind your elbow and the air intakes by your right ear.

Wait until you've giving it a really good wash, taken it for a drive and the engine bay fans cut in and clouds of steam waft out of the air intakes. Happened to me first at a petrol station, thought it was on fire!


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Hi have managed to do a short video I think. when car first starts their is a background  clacking noise which is slower than the engine noise, when I slightly touch throttle ,only increasing revs by  less than 100rpm the engine goes noticeably quieter.                      

Any suggestions or am I being a bit paranoid. Its only done 19500 miles, but that can mean nothing . thanks

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They all smell of hot rubber. The tyres being so close to the exhaust headers small amounts burn off on the exhaust. My previous 987S  was the same but like you it did cause some concern at first.

My 981S has just over 22K now and sounds slightly "clanky" on tickover but it did when I bought the car with 4K from Leeds OPC. I have a very sensitive ear so when I first heard it I thought of all the possibilities. Porsche Paranoia is now a thing of the past for me :)

I wouldnt worry about it unless it clearly sounds nasty .......... but that applies to all my vehicles. 

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Thanks,  I think you are right.  Just a bit strange that touching the throttle makes the engine seem significantly quieter, with hardly any increase in revs.

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As way of a little experiment, put the car In drive (Hand brake on), then pull back both gear change paddles  simultaneously to fully disengage the clutch (Flashing D & M indicators on the dash) then repeat what you did in your vid clip, see if it makes a difference to the sound you are hearing.



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Doesn't sound much to me.

Is the engine cold or warm in the video?

When was the last oil change and what oil are you running?

My BGTS is I'm sure quite a bit louder on start up and for sure it automatically kicks open the PSE valves and fires extra juice in for the start sequence which then dies down after a few seconds.

Can you get in another 981 to have a comparison?

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It sounds pretty normal to me, maybe a little ticky noise from the injections but a normal cold start. Touching the throttle puts a bit more fuel through so maybe smooths out the sound.

Im guessing once it is fully warmed up it doesn’t do it?

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Thanks all for your remarks, going from a 986 to this is a different world, even though the 986 is still a great Box, so its all a bit new at the moment.  Why do I not listen to the engine so much on any other car, perhaps its the lovely mechanical sounds that are so addictive.... or worrying !!     Will try the clutch disengage when in from work, cheers  Alan

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