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Posts posted by brillomaster

  1. interesting to note that indicators not self cancelling is a common problem.. mine has started doing this - indicate left, indicator will stay on, and wont self cancel. try and indicate right, indicator wont even stay on. think i've broken the mechanism somewhere in the column... i blame the chicane at donington, where you need to indicate left, but then turn right and turn left, all while indicating left - essentially overriding the self cancelling indicator.

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  2. really? modern cars have lifetime coolant?!? i thought it generally got changed every two years!

    regardless, i believe BMW take a lifetime to be 10 years, so if porsche are the same, i think you'd be wise to change it.

  3. i dont think there is anywhere in the uk where i would bother with full winters on a boxster... at best, it'll be a set of all seasons. but my boxster is very much a second car, and i live in the very mild midlands, so i just stay on summers all year. 

    i can also work from home if required, which also negates the need for changing tyres on my daily driver too.

  4. 986s already have the best theft deterrent - a physical key, that goes in a physical lock and turns. none of this keyless entry/keyless start malarkey. if you want to nick an old boxster, you'll need to do it the old fashioned way - either pick the door look/smash the window/slash the roof to get in, and then pick the ignition barrel to get the car started. All of which are pretty visible/noisy things to do, especially while an alarm is going off (though those mostly get ignored these days, since so many old cars have dodgy old alarm systems)

    any crim wanting to nick a car will likely be doing it by hacking someones keyless start system. and targeting a car worth a lot more than an old boxster.

  5. pump up the tyres, leave the handbrake off. you'll probably have more problems leaving it in the garage than you will leaving it outside, in my opinion. left outside it'll get a rainwater wash every so often, and then will air dry. left in a garage it'll likely go damp and mouldy, and accumulate spiders and mice. Or is that thinking just me?

  6. 2 hours ago, Bradders59 said:

    Had a light pop up on the dash last night. Apparently its brake pad wear warning light.

    Had a feel of the pads and reckon they will probably be ok for another year, so plan on ignoring the light.

    A year!?! Last time my brake warning light came on, i had 20 minutes before they were metal on metal 😂 made for an interesting drive home!

  7. I tried the baffles in my toyosport, but they dampened the sound so much i might as well have kept the standard exhaust on. So they came straight back out again. Kept them in the cupboard in case i need to do a really quiet trackday, but for general weekend and track driving, ill live with an exhaust that sounds like a great dane farting below 3000 rpm, as it picks up a treat from 4000 to the redline!

  8. You jest, but a mozzarella pearl in a clear tub is one of the best things to check the qualities of a liquid. The white colour means it stains clearly and quickly into a full spectrum of colours, and the soft consistency catches and holds and particles so they are easy to see. the slight alkaline nature of the cheese also reacts with acidic compounds in brake fluid and oil, so you can tell whether a fluid is DOT3 or DOT4, and what the brand, make up and specification of engine oil it is.














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  9. how much driving are you planning to do at night? and what type of lights do you have? 

    last few trips i've done to europe i havent bothered changing anything on the headlights as firstly, we were never driving anywhere at night anyways, and secondly, the self leveling xenons the car had were very flat beam. it used to be only old halogens that had a noticable flick up to one side.

    And to be honest, most cars these days have such high, bright headlights they look like they're on high beam when they arent anyways...

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  10. cheapest option is to drive around the drone. only does it about 2500-2900rpm, so keep the revs above that and you're fine. if i'm on the motorway, i don't put it in 6th until i'm doing an indicated 80mph, which is then just about 3000rpm. so fine for continental cruising. any speed below that i'll still be in 5th.

    also the ebay dronemaster exhaust does get a bit better when it's coked up a bit, i dont notice the drone as much as when i first had it installed - but then i also avoid the rev range where it happens.

  11. agreed, ban required! 😁 who drives a porsche for economy? i've no idea what mine does, economy wise. makes a lovely sound though.

    actually, no, i can work it out... when i did a trackday recently, a full tank lasted about 120 miles, so 14 gal tank is 8.5mpg.

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