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  • Birthday December 25

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    N. Ireland

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  1. Very easy to get sidetracked in the heat of the moment. Have you tried googling his number? Tried calling from a different phone? Tried social media etc. As said above if all else fails just put it through your insurance with the details you have like you intimidated to begin with. That's one reason we have insurance. Nothing like the possibility of your insurance claiming of his to sharpen your insurances POV Good luck
  2. This post reminded me of this recently. Who knew the Welsh were such vandals or was it disgruntled motorists 🤔 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-67646004
  3. Certainly reads as a chip repair in which case MOST would stump up the repair cost themselves. I'm not getting at the OP but the myriad owners who think it's a FREE repair. I've said it before, if you give something to most people for free they do not attribute any value to it BUT the truth is someone is paying for it, it was ever thus. I have told the story before of the scumbag who was in cahoots with a windscreen repairer and he made sure he got his insurance discount via a fraudulent windscreen repair claim, every year! There's always one, at least until there's more than one
  4. Might just be me that sympathises with the insurance companies. The one that springs to mind are A-Class motorhomes where a bespoke windscreen can cost £4k apparently. Someone has to pay to replace a smashed windscreen and in this day and age I wish you good luck with that!
  5. I had heard of it but couldn't place it so Googled it and it turns out I bought a Celica near there 37 years ago
  6. LoL, small world I'm about 18 miles NE from Legacurry Pleased to hear you are making headway.
  7. As the last hirer surely you are responsible? Is it really possible to hire an expensive bike, abandon it, it subsequently gets written off and the hire company just shrug their shoulders 🤔 Is there not some form of holding deposit, if not Seamus, Murphy, Paddy and myself are in the van and off to London.
  8. So perfectly reasonable to assume he has money and can pay? Aren't most payment methods tracked back to a bank account somewhere? Apologies I'm from N. Ireland and we are hoping to have running water and electrickery later this year Thanks, I am conscious you were probably more that a little annoyed. I really hope you get sorted, and am definitely getting the feeling from you that while the money matters the principle is very much part of your thinking.
  9. Oh dear, I really didn't want to get into an argument as I suspect you are p*ssed off enough already. If I have read the above correctly the (car) rental company is responsible at all times for their property unless they can pass it on? If you rent a car on a one way hire and park it at the top of a hill without applying the hand brake correctly, jump out and walk off as it rolls down the hill into the side of your car we are getting close to your predicament. My understanding was you were able to ascertain the last rider AND the fact they had left the bike parked poorly. I have no doubt this is in breach of their (LIME's) T&C's. If LIME passed the previous hirers details on to the Police would that satisfy, have you contacted the Police to report criminal damage. What did they say? What is still confusing me is how was a 16 year old with no money able to hire what is I assume to be an expensive bike.
  10. As I said yesterday, I'm sorry to see this. However I can see where the company is coming from. They hired/rented an individual one of their bikes with presumably T&C's presented and accepted. And here is where the problems start, can a 16 year old accept the hire without leaving a valid Ccard etc. What happens if the bike suffers a total loss, who pays, presumably the last renter? What happens if the hirer causes an Road Trafic Infringement (sorry fek knows what they call fekwittery nowadays) , who's responsible etc. LIME rented the bike in good faith and the renter left it lying at their ar*e, I am struggling to see how that is the responsibility of LIME and not the renter. I suspect your best chance of recovery is by pursuing the person responsible for the damage which is the renter/16 year old who walked off and heard it hit your car but kept walking. Is it possible he did it on purpose (fek yer man with the sw*nky Porsche stylee) with the plethora of other bikes falling over. Considering where the bike was abandoned is it safe to assume they live nearby? I really am sorry to see your car was damaged through absolutely no fault of yours, I hope you get it sorted and it doesn't prevent your enjoyment of it.
  11. Sorry to hear this and some great responses so far. I'm curious though, when the hire finishes do they just jump off the bike and abandon it where they stand? Who collects it and when does it get charged etc. Nothing stopping you moving it to a pedestrian safe area, you know beside a river and hope an act of God doesn't intervene and tip it in.
  12. Wasn't it FIVE screws 😳
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