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Rodent damage


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Got in the m3 today and gutted to find a mouse has somehow got into the cabin. The above photo is the worst of the damage but it’s has a nibble on various other areas of the rear seat base. 

Car was used yesterday and then put back in garage so I guess must have been attracted by warmth and got in through the ventilation system. 

Gutted is an understatement. Anybody got ideas on how to repair ? 

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13 minutes ago, rowbos said:


I live in slight fear of this happening so I keep several mouse bait stations dotted around the garage...

I have 2 mobile versions of these who patrol outside the garage from time to time :D 

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30 minutes ago, Menoporsche said:


I'd imagine getting a replacement part from a breaker. Or ask an upholsterer to unstitch that panel, fill the filling and put a new panel back.

Yes I thought that or maybe stitch a narrow central panel over the top. Breaker would be perfect but only came out 2014 and I’m guessing they will want to sell any interiors complete to people wanting to creste an m3 replica out of a 316d ? 

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1 minute ago, Boxob said:

That's bad.  Have you got rid of the mouse?

That’s my biggest concern. I’ve removed the rear seat base, hoovered away every last crumb and  set 5 x traps. Fingers crossed I catch it as worried about wiring getting damaged etc. 

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You have my sympathy, I have encountered this problem too, however, make sure you put bait/ traps around the outside perimeter of the garage as any food source inside will attract more.  They will have to move out as they need water.  So if they are not in the car after you have checked they have probably gone.  Like Arnie...they will be back!  They, a bit like me, have no bladder control, pee constantly..like me, and leave a trail for others, not like me.  I have bought several plug electric devices for my house/garage which I have found to be effective. 


In 1995 I suffered the ultimate mouse problem resulting in my thatched roof house being nearly totally destroyed.

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8 minutes ago, william46 said:

You have my sympathy, I have encountered this problem too, however, make sure you put bait/ traps around the outside perimeter of the garage as any food source inside will attract more.  They will have to move out as they need water.  So if they are not in the car after you have checked they have probably gone.  Like Arnie...they will be back!  They, a bit like me, have no bladder control, pee constantly..like me, and leave a trail for others, not like me.  I have bought several plug electric devices for my house/garage which I have found to be effective. 


In 1995 I suffered the ultimate mouse problem resulting in my thatched roof house being nearly totally destroyed.

Good point... might get some more for outside. 

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Seem to remember the M3 in WheelerDealers also suffered from rodent Ingres! These mice obviously know their cars. Hope you get it sorted. I would have thought a repair would be cheaper/easier. Getting the rodents caught and preventing further incursions imperative. 

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I set 5 traps in the car and put poison down in the garage last night but nothing so far. I’ve also removed the rear seat and kept in the house as that seemed to be very attractive for some reason. The point about water is a good one and hopefully it has got thirsty and decided to exit. I took the car for a good run yesterday as well so hopefully it is not a fan of spirited driving. I’m still intrigued as to how it is getting in and out of a closed and locked car. 

Decided to leave the car out of the garage - although this has now got me worried I will fall victim to a different kind of (thieving) vermin  


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gotcha! Poisoned bait, and a good hunt round the garage turned this up in an ikea bag full of logs and a sizeable nest. 

How that well fed specimen got in and then found its way back out of the car will forever remain a mystery. 

Now need to get the seat repaired ....

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They rarely come singly.

We've suffered with mice for years around this time of the year they come in out of the cold.   Earlier this year I used copper wool to fill every possible nook and cranny and so far not caught any mice in my traps.  So seems to be working.  




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