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My 2011 987 Black Edition


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  • 4 months later...

Yesturday I got the boxster out of storage, I can’t remember when I put it in there (I usually take a pic to remind myself) but I think it was end of October so c6 months ago. I checked the tyre pressures (I usually over inflate them slightly for storage) and they just needed capsized each. Took it off the trickle charger and it started first turn of the starter motor. Cars can be a little rough for a couple of minutes after 6 months storage but was as smooth as anything from initial idle…..massive bonus was I had a full tank of super unleaded, felt like I’d won the lottery 🤣

This morning the boxster passed its MOT with no advisories , I enjoyed a sausage and egg barm whilst waiting 😁

DVLA had updated straight away and so I was able to road tax as soon as I got home …..all set for the NW 991uk crew meet tomorrow….

The car was a little dusty from storage and I had not cleaned it before putting in there, with rain forecast all afternoon I managed to give it a bit of spit and polish in perfect overcast conditions…….given next door are in the middle of getting a new roof and dust everywhere I fitted the outdoor cover :)





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  • 9 months later...

Well I didn’t drive the boxster much last year as it went back into storage in July………but I’ve just taxed it for March and will be getting it out of storage tomorrow……..can’t wait to drive it. Hopefully I can actually drive it this year.

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On 5/6/2022 at 2:38 PM, Jonttt said:

Yesturday I got the boxster out of storage, I can’t remember when I put it in there (I usually take a pic to remind myself) but I think it was end of October so c6 months ago. I checked the tyre pressures (I usually over inflate them slightly for storage) and they just needed capsized each. Took it off the trickle charger and it started first turn of the starter motor. Cars can be a little rough for a couple of minutes after 6 months storage but was as smooth as anything from initial idle…..massive bonus was I had a full tank of super unleaded, felt like I’d won the lottery 🤣

This morning the boxster passed its MOT with no advisories , I enjoyed a sausage and egg barm whilst waiting 😁

DVLA had updated straight away and so I was able to road tax as soon as I got home …..all set for the NW 991uk crew meet tomorrow….

The car was a little dusty from storage and I had not cleaned it before putting in there, with rain forecast all afternoon I managed to give it a bit of spit and polish in perfect overcast conditions…….given next door are in the middle of getting a new roof and dust everywhere I fitted the outdoor cover :)





Liking the number plate!

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On 5/6/2022 at 2:38 PM, Jonttt said:

Yesturday I got the boxster out of storage, I can’t remember when I put it in there (I usually take a pic to remind myself) but I think it was end of October so c6 months ago. I checked the tyre pressures (I usually over inflate them slightly for storage) and they just needed capsized each. Took it off the trickle charger and it started first turn of the starter motor. Cars can be a little rough for a couple of minutes after 6 months storage but was as smooth as anything from initial idle…..massive bonus was I had a full tank of super unleaded, felt like I’d won the lottery 🤣

This morning the boxster passed its MOT with no advisories , I enjoyed a sausage and egg barm whilst waiting 😁

DVLA had updated straight away and so I was able to road tax as soon as I got home …..all set for the NW 991uk crew meet tomorrow….

The car was a little dusty from storage and I had not cleaned it before putting in there, with rain forecast all afternoon I managed to give it a bit of spit and polish in perfect overcast conditions…….given next door are in the middle of getting a new roof and dust everywhere I fitted the outdoor cover :)





Looks like my "White" Edition 🙃




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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally I get a road trip in the Boxster tomorrow and thursday, albeit relatively local…….2 day fast road run around Yorkshire staying over in Masham, can’t wait.

Then on Friday I collect my new daily, always exciting on new car collection day especially when its a Porsche ! 


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Finally !

After what feels like a good few years I managed to get out on a good fast road trip last week. Wednesday and Thursday where spent touring around Yorkshire with like minded individuals who do not mind pressing a pedal to the metal .....

We met up near Rochdale, of course I was the first to arrive and ready to go



Of course we could not pass Ribble without a photostop



and some others during the day (we are all getting on with weakended bladders  :oops: )













overnight we stayed in Masham which at this time of year had plenty of free parking right outside the hotel



of course we spent to evening putting the world to rights over a shandy or two



day 2 had some particularly marvelous roads and a rainbow to suit



with more obligatory "rest breaks"  :oops: 



of course all of the important buttons had been pressed ie the aircon off  :wack: 


It was fantastic to get back on a fast road trip with like minded guys, hopefully more to come this year.......day 1 was great but day 2 was one of those to be remembered, long 10 mile stretches through the Yorkshire wilderness in heavy rain but the most fun roads you can wish for all to ourselves.....just so much fun

needless to say the boxster with its mid engine power was sublime, a great reminder of why I love this car 

Back home and dirty, as it should be  :drive: 



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Two dirty cars

white always looks cleaner when dirty though, just need some decent weather to get the grime off the  boxster after last weeks adventures.


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  • 3 weeks later...

So the Boxster has not moved for 3 weeks 🙄 but I did get chance to get it clean in between rain…….


…..I needed a private plate for the new daily though……


If anyone is into rare comics they will know VFN is “very fine” on the grading scale 🤫

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  • 3 weeks later...

The boxster has not turned a wheel since its Yorkshire adventures  :oops: ……I can’t stop driving the Taycan  :roll: 

I’m sure when the novelty of the Taycan subsides (?) and weather improves  :roll: I will drive the boxster more. Its booked in for its MOT tomorrow so I decided to clean the cobwebs (literally off). I also applied a new finishing spray to try, lots of good reviews online. Easy to apply / buff off by hand so nice initial finish but will have to see how long it lasts  :?: 





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48 minutes ago, Davey P said:

BAN HIM!!! 😂

😇 That has now been rectified……just got back from a blast around my fav local B roads as a shakedown pre MOT tomorrow……the solar charger has done its job maintaining the 12v battery in top shape even after c5 weeks of inactivity…..




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So my first opportunity to compare the Boxster and Taycan………its not often I would even bother comparing a daily to a hobby car and in lots of ways its still like comparing oranges and apples.

Obviously there is no way the boxster can compete with the Taycan in terms of sheers performance but that applies equally to the B roads as to the straights, where it does have an advantage (as is common v modern cars not just Porsches) is in its size. Whilst the Taycan with its 4 wheel drive and speed would still be well away you can place the boxster with much more confidence into a blind narrow bend and in those case carry more speed than the Taycan into the bend. Then there is the intimacy of the manual gear change both into and out of the bend. The Taycan does not even have a manual flappy paddle option and whilst that gets your attention with the sheer aggressiveness of its speed it is a very digital and dulled in comparison experience,  that emotion of exiting a bend waiting for the upshift and slotting home the gearstick is still so much fun. Surprisingly it was that interaction and feeling that I missed much more then the noise of the engine. Initially the boxster did feel frustratingly slow but once you got that rhythm going, tyres warmed and heart racing the smile was back and that sense of satisfaction of knowing you are driving a car hard / on the limit.

I nearly put the roof down too lol

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My gaffer's Taycan is probably only the second car I've been a passenger in that made my internal organs move going round roundabouts and for acceleration.....the other being a McLaren SLR .....!!! 

Much prefer the analog feel though....these electric cars have no soul....yet. 

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44 minutes ago, skoosh1970 said:

My gaffer's Taycan is probably only the second car I've been a passenger in that made my internal organs move going round roundabouts and for acceleration.....the other being a McLaren SLR .....!!! 

Much prefer the analog feel though....these electric cars have no soul....yet. 

I held off going full EV for a long time after my last 3 dailies where plug in hybrids……I’ve tried most and some I didn’t even bother driving after sitting in them but the taycan is the first EV I’ve driven that is both on par with a luxury ICE and is playful enough to entertain with more than purely straight line speed, there is witchcraft at play 🤣

I’m more than happy with what’s on the drive, they are different enough to justify for me. I feel like I’ve been in a similar spot before c15 years ago when I had an F430 as a daily and Z3m as a hobby car……EV or not some things don’t change

ps when I have a passenger asking for Launch I tell them to brace, they soon realise why 🤭

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1 hour ago, backinaporscheagain said:

liking the upgraded rear lights, are these in your opinion an improvement on oem?

Yes I think they are hence why I have left them on the car. I’ve retained with originals to stay with the car.

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1 hour ago, backinaporscheagain said:

liking the upgraded rear lights, are these in your opinion an improvement on oem?

Got the same on my "White" Edition. They definitely bring it bang up to date. A couple of things that age the Boxster (IMO) are the lights and the side pods. If you want to keep your Boxster looking classic then leave it as it is, but if you want to add to it then these lights are a good option, and obviously easy to fit. I parked next to a same gen sibling in Wales so it makes it easy to compare. 


Each to their own in the end of course 🙂

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