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987.1 Owners: Why do you drive a 987.1?


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I am having a small crisis that I hope this community can help me through.  Ok, “crisis” is a strong word when you are dealing with first-world problems, but I am sure you can understand.  I drive a 987.1 BS and am very happy with it.  I always look forward to driving it, I get lots of compliments on it, and it has been very reliable.  What more could you ask?  Well, since the 718 GTS 4.0 has been introduced, I find myself mentally reviewing the financial angles necessary to justify a car that is valued 5x more than mine.  With the end of an era just on the horizon for our beloved Boxsters and Caymans, it seems like a great opportunity to own and drive the finest representation that they will likely ever see.  Then I admit to myself that the price is too high and that leads me to think about all of the great arguments to own earlier models, or even some 911s, at half or one-third the price of a GTS 4.0...and so the cycle goes...

...which brings me to my question.  Every 987.1 owner has a choice to make on what they drive and many of you reading this have chosen the 987.1.  You could drive a 987.2, a 981, or a 982 without the threat (or perceived stigma) of IMS or bore scoring danger; you could drive a 986 which is the original, and therefore an instant classic; or you could drive a 911 which is universally respected.  So, I would like to know, if you own a 987.1, why you choose to own and drive it.  I am not looking for debates, just your OWN personal motivation.  Here are some possible answers:

I choose to drive a 987.1 because…

1.       …it is the best sports car value on the planet when you consider XXXXX.

2.       …it is the epitome of the Boxster/Cayman line when you consider XXXXX.

3.       …it is getting me by until I can afford XXXXX.

4.       …it is my daily driver, keeping me from putting too many miles on my XXXXX.

5.       …others????

Thanks in advance for your response.  I am relatively new to this forum so, if this has been discussed this way before and doesn’t need to be rehashed, please kindly refer me to the proper thread to read.  I also apologize for focusing on the .1 and not including the .2 but, in my mind, they are just too different to lump together.

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 Seems to me you  fancy a new car but are feeling a bit guilty about it and cant decide what you want to replace it with to boot. Sorry if that's a bit harsh but really the most important thing is to really enjoy what you have in the moment. If you just fancy a change do it, it is doubtful other peoples reasons for being happy with their car will work for you, would you not agree 😁 If it any help I expect you could own a 718GTS 4.0  for 18 months and sell it for neigh on what you paid.

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Oooooh, good question! I'm in almost exactly the same boat; I have a 987.1 Cayman non-S and find myself all too often browsing the classifieds for a 4.0 GTS. 

So, why change - or why not change? 

I bought my 987.1 because it was the most suitable car I could actually get excited about given the constraints of living in London. It had to be Euro4 compliant to avoid the ULEZ costs, it had to be fairly practical as it's an only car, it had to be hard-topped to avoid problems with keeping it outside and it had to be reasonably affordable to run. A 987 was one of the few vehicles that fitted this bill. At the time I owned a 944 which I put into storage as we didn't intend to stay in London forever. Money was a deciding factor; I was lucky in that I could have easily bought a 4.0 GTS without really noticing the cost but I baulked at spending that much on a car. 

Things have moved on in the last couple of years since I bought the car and we no longer live in London. I am planning on getting the 944 out of storage in the next few months and will do a mini-restoration on it before putting it back on the road. I am still perusing the classifieds for 4.0 GTS models but I doubt I will ever buy one; it would still feel wrong to spend the £40,000 or so needed for one and I don't think it would be four times as much fun as my £10,000 Cayman. As such it would be a poor use of money. I do use the full oomph of my current car quite a lot (country roads and long drives) but am aware that the weakest bit of the setup is me and that the car is much more capable than I am, making me reluctant to buy an even more capable car. 

Does that help you? Probably not. In short, it's your money and you should spend it as you see fit! 😀

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I'm also in this position but have very similar thoughts to @zcacogp. I keep toying with the idea of buying a 981 GT4 but I can't actually bring myself to spend that much money on a weekend car. In the past I have always set the criteria that I have to be able to afford to walk away from the car if the engine blows up or it gets written off on track. With my 986 and now my 987, I can afford to do that. Because of this, I can fully enjoy the car without worrying about resale, picking up stone chips, or worst comes to the worst, blowing up the engine. Personally, I couldn't afford to do that with a GT4 - It would wipe out my savings and despite being (I'm sure) a fantastic upgrade, I think it would just end up becoming a liability for me (I'd worry about every scratch or dent). For this reason, I think I'd enjoy it far less than my 987. I also enjoy working on my weekend cars but the resale implications for a GT4 would prevent me from doing this. I find it painful enough having to pay Jaguar £500 for an oil service, the prospect of paying Porsche £1k would just make me feel bitter and resentful about it.

So in short, the daydream is better than the reality for me. When I can afford to buy a Gt4 without worrying about resale or financial loss, I'll do it. Until then, I'm sticking with my Cayman and keeping the money in the bank...and feeling jealous of the people who do buy one ;)

Edited by Lennym1984
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Good post Lenny. I like the bit about scratches and dents. My 987 has a light peppering of stone chips around the front and I'm not too fussed it I get some more. A more expensive car would have me more worried on this front. 

My wife and I have recently bought £1000's worth of second-hand Skoda Fabia as a practical thing to go alongside the 987 (and 944 in due course) and I'm really enjoying it. It's entertaining enough to drive (albeit slow) but it's great that I don't care about it too much. It looks very like someone scuffed the front corner in a car park last week but I polished the worst out at the weekend with some T-Cut and thought 'meh' about the rest. Would I be that relaxed about the 987? No. Would I be that relaxed about a GTS which has £40k of my money in it? Very much no. 

I guess I am saying that there is a happy balance to find with a car and I reckon that I'm pretty much there. (And that's before we get to the point about people who clearly love their cars all a bit too much and practically worship them. Don't go there people, just don't go there .... ) 

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Interesting question. In short, it made sense value wise when I bought it but in retrospect I should have done some more due diligence when searching. I didn't want a 986 (yet now I have come to appreciate them) and the 987.1 was basically what I could afford when I was a bit younger. Six years later, it's consumed a fair wedge of cash in preventative maintenance and immediate repairs so wouldn't really make sense to sell it (yet I find myself looking at 981 Caymans...which I will probably get into next year, to be honest) and I just enjoy driving it so much. It's only a base model with a few options but the simplicity is endearing (but the basic stereo truly sucks) and I love the event. It's currently my only car until my 128ti lease arrives so i've been daily-ing it which i'm not sure I could really do for an extended period (sh*te stereo, lack of sixth gear) but i'm thankful that a recent job change means I don't need to do as many miles as my previous company. 



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I drive a 987.1 simply because I can't afford a 718 4.0. Or more accurately I don't want the expense and aggrovation of a divorce. If I thought I could get a 4.0 without going through a divorce I certainly would. 

If the question is 'will a 718 4.0 make me 5 times happier that my 987.1?' I don't know. Is it a better car - sure. Will it attract more admiring/resentful glances - sure. Will it be more economical/reliable -sure. (Not quite so sure about economical...) Will it give me a warmer/fuzzier feeling when I pull up the garage door - sure. Can I have it with all the extras that my 987 doesn't have - sure. 

I console myself with the thoughts that a) I like being married and b) when I go for a bit of a blatt down the fun roads my base 987 is fast enough to get me into a great deal of trouble and it requires a degree of ability on my part that I find enjoyable. I've not driven a 4.0 but imagine it could probably go much faster with much less input/effort on my part. And that's the problem. 

Either way go try one. It will probably blow your mind. As we used to say in the 70s.

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I bought a 2005 3.2S manual to use, and a damaged 987.2 3.4S PDK to repair. This was at the end of 2015, and I only did it because a house move I was in the middle of looked like it was going to fall through and I thought I was going to have some spare money. Typically, immediately I did that, the house purchase came back on, and I sold the earlier car on here a month after I bought it. I basically drove it from Torquay to Southampton where I lived at the time on the day of purchase, and again when I accompanied the next owner on the test drive!

Fast forward to the summer the following year, relocation to Newcastle completed, finances not in the tatters I had expected, and I had my first look on BoXa.net for the first time in six months, only to find a great looking high spec sensible miles and price '05 3.2S  just up the road. I wasn't especially enamoured with my first one, but felt it was unreasonable to judge them all based on such a short time with it, and bought it.

Still got it. I don't get to drive it much due to work commitments and ongoing house renovations, but when I do I'm always glad I made the effort to try again. Every time I look at it, I remember how little I gave for it compared to what it feels and sounds like to drive. I just don't think I'd get the same outlay versus reward ratio with anything more expensive.

I never even got to drive the repaired car, my best mate bought it the day the repairs were finished. He's still got it and loves it, but I didn't want a PDK car for myself, so that all worked out ok.

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Wow…amazing feedback!  I appreciate the therapy.  My takeaway thus far is that, for many, the 987.1 strikes a compelling balance between cost and performance… between worry and enjoyment.  Do I want a GTS 4.0?  Yes I do.  --I also want a Singer, but that’s a whole other problem--  However, were I to get the upgrade of my dreams, I also have this sneaking suspicion that there would be a part of me that would miss the simplicity and ease of the 987.1.  Perhaps the daydream is better than the reality… and, at the end of the day, Topbox, it can also be my own guilty pleasure 😊

You guys are awesome!  Thank you!

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Best 2-seat sports ragtop I could afford at the time, didn't like the 986 headlights and heard this new engine didn't have IMS problems (but hello bore score...).  That was with a one-off tax break (moving countries) which won't be repeated, so I can't just sell and get a new one as it would cost 4x as much.  Would I like a 4.0? Yes, but as described above, I'm still a bit nervous driving this one TBH, so why spend so much extra on a car I'd be (even) more nervous than happy about?

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I wasn't really looking for a Boxster but I'd decided it was time to move on from my S2000 and I was beginning to look at Elises when a friend told me about a 2005 Boxster S which belonged to someone he knew and which was in very good condition with low miles. The seller had bought a 911 and had decided he couldn't keep both cars but had not yet advertised the Boxster. So I went for a look and a drive and it was like viewing a new car fresh from the showroom.

A full service history and an owner who clearly cared for his car made it the simplest car buying decision I've taken and no regrets at all over the four years since.

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Bought my 987.1 2.7 so that I wouldn't be tempted (or required, in the case of the ULEZ expansion) to spend more money on a newer, shinier, faster boxster - and the interior of the 986 just doesn't do it for me. I was thinking about a Z4, which don't seem that highly regarded to drive, or leasing a new MX-5, but I have thoroughly enjoyed the relatively low-tech fiddling that has come with the boxster. It also turned out to be more than fast enough, I can't really imagine I'm missing out on anything that wouldn't result in legal woes or worse and significantly more expense.

I am slightly surprised by the warm welcome it gets everywhere, my neighbours all love it and it gets comments and looks everywhere I go, and other drivers actually slow down and let you out at junctions - it must be the colour, right? 😁

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At a price point my 3.4 Sports Edition, gives me everything I want out of a toy, and is not too precious that I can get out and drive it like I’ve stolen it , and not unduly worried about collecting stone chips etc. Having had several 986 and quite a few 987, this carnation is perfect ( ignoring the RS60 I had to sell , which was the pinnacle)

I suppose like everything it’s all down to the individual and expectations.

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I was after a 996 originally, then I test drove what became my 987.1.  The joy of which led to cancelling the test of 996 Targa which cost twice as much and I have never regretted it!       

Four years in and it still makes me smile every time I walk past.  The smile extends each time I get behind the wheel, where it takes me away from the mundane, making it simply the best stress-toy on the market.   

The 987 is solid and give enough little head scratchers to fill days with maintenance when you need a break from the kids and cannot justify a ride out due to the lockdown.

And then there's the sound in the cockpit when you hit the loud pedal hard and the feeling when the traction control kicks in when you hit the loud pedal that little bit too hard or too early on a roundabout 


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OK I've found you one. No finders fee required just come round and take me for for a blast. 


Seriously that would do it for me. I'd bought that last November and had to give it up gutted wouldn't be the word. Unless the original owner just buys a new one every 6 months.

I used to know a guy that did that. Every 6 months he'd buy a brand new car. Exactly like the old one so the people that worked for him didn't know.  He's dead now.

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6 hours ago, Boxtop said:

Beautiful car.  Can’t imagine!?!  Job loss? Got a GT4 allocation?  Gearing too long?  I’m sure he got about what he paid.  Cheap exotic rental maybe. 

Found a 987.1 & realised it was a better deal, probably.

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Was not out to buy a car but when I came across my now 987.1 and as it was unusually spec'd I bought it - 42k miles, GT silver, carrera wheels, carbon fibre pack, sports seats etc - a few little bits got changed, steering wheel, car-play DAB stereo, throttle body, IPD plenum, air filter and to bring it all together a FVD Brombacher map. Now could I get a newer car ? of course but I think it adds to the enjoyment and over all ownership that it did not cost the earth to buy .... unlike my tesla model x.

For cost, driver engagement - I think my 987.1 is simply enjoyable and brings the youth out in me.....

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When I bought mine I was approaching my 60th birthday, and came to the sudden realisation that I wanted a Porsche. My preference would have been a Cayman, but the prices were much higher compared to a Boxster, so the decision was made based on my self imposed budget.  I bought the first one I saw, which is obviously a terrible idea, but quite normal for me :lol:  I paid £7K, which at the time made it one of the cheapest 987's in the country I reckon, probably because it had no service history.  Looking at a similar age and mileage Cayman they were £10K+ and I didn't want to spend that much - However, I ended up spending another £4K on various servicing and repairs, tyres, battery, coolant pipes etc in the first couple of months, so my man-maths didn't quite add up on that one.... Anyway, after the initial expenditure the car was brilliant and the only reason I sold it was because my father passed away and I wanted to spend my inheritance on something quite spectacular, which is exactly what I did.  I'm now the proud owner of the most beautiful 981 Cayman, and I've got a permanent reminder of my lovely Dad every time I drive it.

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