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Expensive experience


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Some of you will have read my flat battery door lock issue which ended I thought painlessly until I went to drive the car a couple of weeks ago when I needed to move it and I noticed I had two error messages in front of me saying stop start deactivated and coolant system fault report to garage. I immediately thought this is the after effects of a flat battery and a session on the piwis at Porsche would resolve the problem and anything more sinister found would be covered by the warranty. An appointment was made and no issues on the drive up were observed although the brakes seemed a bit heavier than I remember from my last outing in October. I put this down to many miles in my other less sporting vehicles mixed with a bit of old age creeping up on me.

Well my youth and strength have been restored by Porsche Bristol as they discovered a rodent has gnawed through the brake servo pipe and they were somewhat surprised that I could drive the car at all! 

The cost is going to be about £500 to repair which could have been a lot worse if the furry fiend had had a go at the wiring which mercifully appears not to be the case.

I will embark on a rodent removal scheme from my garage in the coming days. Does anybody have any recommendations?

Do you think my contents insurance will cover this ?

Have a good weekend


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The joys of living in a semi rural area means we get rodent issues from time to time. 

buy some bait boxes off Amazon and put out a mixture of poisons within them. 

I found loading them up helped the problem go away

Check this out at Amazon
The Big Cheese STV179 Rat and Mouse Bait Station (Durable, Lockable, Reusable Bait Box), Black https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00OHI13ZW/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_16WWJNK4NW3BJQR8XR3Z


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Graham, sorry to read of your misfortune, my car doesn’t move far from my garage during the colder months, I think I’m going to have to have a scout round for rodent droppings myself.
Personally I agree with rowbos and wouldn’t try to claim on my home insurance, however you could almost certainly mitigate the damage cost by going to an Porsche independent garage for the repair work. If an OPC has quoted £500 to repair I’d bet an Indy could do it for circa £350 or less.

You could spend some of the savings on some good rodent traps lol.

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I had a rodent issue in my garage, chewed through my golf bag to get at some chocolate I left in it and destroyed a bottle of chain saw oil. Then I had a cat issue which seemed to cure the rodent issue but it liked to sleep on my Boxster and made a right mess. I got a cat scarer and cat is now gone and rodents have not come back. 

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We had rats in the garden during lockdown (the council said it was due to more people using the adjacent park and dropping more food) and I used three of very similar traps that @Pinewoodlinked to. They worked brilliantly once I changed the supplied bait to poisoned pasta.

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10 minutes ago, Menoporsche said:

And why exactly do you have a supply of poisoned pasta??

To keep the kid small so I don’t have to keep buying them more shoes.


(rat bait comes in chocolate scented waxed cubes, which they didn’t eat, and pasta which they loved)

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As a result of a post on another thread my car is surrounded by cotton wool soaked in peppermint oil on jamjar lids. Also plenty of bait stations and lids with other types of bait around the garage. Found a dead mouse and bait crumbs last year in a nest behind my spare wheels.

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1 hour ago, Simon said:

I’ve just bought a big supply of pasta - got the fekkers in my house, they come in through the garage.  Last time they ate through the plastic heating pipes and wrecked the place.

Happened to a mate of mine who’s CH packed up. He got in a pest controller who laid poisoned bait which the rats/squirrels dragged onto the lawn where their black Lab ate it😳, so it was then followed by a trip to the vet. Dog was OK, friends wallet less so.

Just bought one of those traps for the allotment as mice are the bane of my life up there since I built some big covered compost heaps. Caught a few with snap traps last year, but they’re very fiddly to set up.

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2 minutes ago, BBB said:

Imagine cleaning that rat zapper and forgetting to turn it off!!

The “poison” in rat traps is actually a blood thinner so the little feckers go and die somewhere else and you don’t have to clean up.

You’d only do it once.

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We have a rats in the garden at the minute, due to Mrs S insisting on bird feeders. 

Caught one, felt like a pro hunter, proper smug with myself. Simo 1 Rats 0

The other one though. Well he takes the p1ss and none of the bait. Likely more Simon 1 Rats 3. I swear he flipped me 'the bird' last time I saw him. 

Its a waiting game. I WILL win!  Currently looking for flame throwers and claymore mines on eBay. 

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2 hours ago, Simo_UK said:

We have a rats in the garden at the minute, due to Mrs S insisting on bird feeders. 

Caught one, felt like a pro hunter, proper smug with myself. Simo 1 Rats 0

The other one though. Well he takes the p1ss and none of the bait. Likely more Simon 1 Rats 3. I swear he flipped me 'the bird' last time I saw him. 

Its a waiting game. I WILL win!  Currently looking for flame throwers and claymore mines on eBay. 

Have you seen Caddyshack.................

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Rat zapper for me.  I used one to solve a mouse issue a few years back.  Bait with dry dog food, set, wait for the light to flash and go tip the contents on the bin.   3 kills a day for about a week did the job. 

poison is fine as long as they die somewhere other than in your cavity walls or under your floor boards

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